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📊 Portfolio

  • Asset Management by chain and platform

You can check and manage all assets in wallet(holdings), deposited/leveraged and claimable assets by connecting your wallet. Invest smartly in DeFi with's on-chain asset management service.

💰 Profit Analysis

  • Real-time, Periodic Portfolio & Profit Analysis

With Profit Analysis, you can view daily analyzed data of net assets and holding asset portfolio and calculate performance through the ROI index and PNL, reflecting an increase in deposits. Utilize automated indexes to make successful investments. Your wallet performance can also be shared with your friends.

📊 Insight

  • Discover unique insights from real wallets

Based on the blockchain's transparent transaction data, all assets and profits of the wallet are visible. Directly searching a wallet address or choosing a wallet from a list of top portfolio rankings allows users to view the information. Explore insightful wallets with various portfolio strategies to come up with your own portfolio strategies.


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