
Allbit.com (Allbit.com) provides information on coin rankings by major themes and wallet rankings (Leaderboards) that invest in blockchain ecosystems.

Coin Rank

The real-time coin ranking by major theme allows a comparative analysis of coin, which can lead to a better understanding of the on-chain market. The major coin indicators can be viewed in real-time or by setting a period.

# Gainers # Losers : Check the ranking based on price fluctuations.

# Volume : Shows the most traded coins and buy/sell status.

# Marketcap : Check the ranking of coins with high market capitalization.

# Recently added : Check the recently added coin ranking.


Top portfolios that generate high returns in real blockchain can provide you with insights into market trends. Additionally, you can improve your Portfolio by monitoring and comparing it with top wallets.

# Highest Net Assets : The ranking is sorted by current net assets(worth) in descending order.

# Highest PNL(7d/30d/90d): PNL aggregated by period, sorted in descending order.

# Highest ROI(7d/30d/90d): ROI aggregated by period, sorted in descending order.

* Watcher : The number of wallets registering the Wallet as a watchlist.

Last updated