
Allbit.com (Allbit.com) provides portfolio & analysis services that allow users to comprehensively manage assets and profits across multiple chains and DeFi protocols.

The data is transparently analyzed based on the actual transaction history generated by each Wallet on the blockchain. Therefore, it's possible to grasp the most accurate and practical Value and PNL(ROI) of my investment assets. The portfolio provided by Allbit.com is a perfect tool for navigating successful DeFi investments in the rapidly changing Web3 blockchain financial ecosystem.

My Portfolio

Connect your Wallet and view your Portfolio. You can also view other wallet's portfolio details by searching the address in the search box at the top.


You can view the value of assets in your Wallet (holdings) or deposited in specific services, dept value, and coin allocation information.

# Total asset : The total value of all assets held in the Wallet and the protocol.

# Claimable : The total value of all assets that have not yet been claimed.

# Total debt : The total debt value of the Wallet. (Including Interests)

# Net worth : (Total asset + Claimable) - Total debt. This represents the actual asset value excluding the debt value (loan) from the Wallet's total assets.

Risk management by tracking change in net assets

You can see the total asset value and total debt value of each Wallet, along with the corresponding increase in net assets by date. You can determine your gains or losses by looking at the increase or decrease in your net asset value.

PNL(ROI) Dashboard

Check comprehensive investment indicators such as the price rise and fall of coins held in your Wallet or deposited in a specific service, real-time and daily profit and loss due to deposit profit claims, and return on investment.

Tracking top portfolio

Keep track of portfolio wallets that generate high returns by registering them on my watchlists. Beginners can set up more detailed investment strategies by referring to the top portfolio wallets generating high profits.

Last updated